Emotion Focused Skills Training (EFST) is an ultra-simple and quickly effective parent support program. Other family members, partners, or friends with a central role in helping a loved one through struggles will also benefit from this workshop.

For information about Emotion Focused Skills Training for Youth (EFST-Y) please email info@edoyr.com.

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Emotion Focused Skills Training for Parents/Carers, Family and Friends with Dr. Joanne Dolhanty, PhD, C. Psych

An official receipt in the full amount of $400 for 14  hours of psychological services will be provided. Please check with your health insurance provider to confirm benefit coverage and reimbursement. 

DATE & TIME: Please inquire.

Develop Your Emotion-Wise Skill NET to Guide Your Family Through Challenges

Navigate Emotions – Enhance Motivation – Transform Relationships

•    Navigate the confusing and often painful world of your loved one’s emotions

•    Enhance your motivation and capacity to support your loved one

•    Transform relationships with your family member, whether child, teen, or adult

Emotion Focused Skills Training (EFST) for parents and carers is an innovative, ultra-simple and quickly effective parent support program. Other family members, partners, or friends with a central role in helping a loved one through struggles will also benefit from this workshop.

EFST supports parents by empowering them as active, primary agents in guiding their loved one (of any age—child, adolescent, or adult) through the behavioural, emotional and relational challenges of everyday living and relating, as well as through the challenges their loved one faces when struggling with a mental health issue (including eating disorders, substance use, depression, anxiety) or other challenges (such as physical health or educational challenge).

This is an emotion-processing, skills-based approach that gives parents practical tools that they can implement immediately in their family.

In EFST, parents learn a simple set of tools that give them a NET of skills. These skills include how to navigate the confusing world of their loved one’s feelings; how to work with challenges in their own and their loved one’s motivation; and how to restore their ability to set appropriate boundaries while also restoring positive, productive relationships with the person they are supporting.

isit the facilitator web site for more information:  www.drjoannedolhanty.com

*Student and couple rates available. 
Please email info@edoyr.com to inquire.