Eating Disorders of York Region's Riverwalk Wellness Centres Volunteers
Eating Disorders of York Region's Riverwalk Wellness Centres (Riverwalk) welcomes you to become a volunteer.
Riverwalk is always looking for friends in the community to become a part of our Circle of Friends campaign, something you could be a part of as a volunteer.
Our Circle of Friends campaign encourages “Friend Raising,” to help us raise awareness and funds so Riverwalk can continue to provide support for people who may be struggling with eating disorders (or disordered eating) as well as support for their families and friends. “Friend Raising” shares with members of the community how to be supportive for someone who is struggling to maintain life in balance.
Groups of friends can arrange events within their local communities to raise funds and awareness with proceeds benefiting Riverwalk Wellness Centres. Friends are encouraged to raise awareness in their schools, places of work and communities.
As a volunteer, but more importantly, as a friend, the opportunities are endless. Suggesting topics for blog posts, writing articles in local newspapers and organizing presentations to improve outreach are just a few examples.
To become a volunteer, please email with your interests and suggestions for ways you can get involved.
Past Volunteer Appreciation Events
Natalia and Janice at the 2012 Volunteer Appreciation picnic