to Apr 22

Emotion Focused Family Therapy Workshop

  • Google Calendar ICS

Emotion-Focused Family Therapy:
Supporting Your Loved One Across The Lifespan Including Support For Mental Health

With Dr. Joanne Dolhanty PhD, C. Psych
and Dr. Adèle Lafrance Robinson PhD, C. Psych

TWO DAY WORKSHOP: April 21st and 22nd, 2016
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Location: 901 Rutherford Road (at the Christian Community Church), Vaughan (West of Bathurst Street)

Register online: www.edoyr.com/emotion-coaching

Clinician spaces are limited – register in advance to avoid disappointment

Emotion-Focused Family Therapy (EFFT): a new and innovative treatment model for the caregivers of individuals struggling with: 
•    Anxiety
•    Depression
•    Eating disorders
•    Substance use, etc.
Different from many of the mainstream treatment models, EFFT is rooted in the deep belief in the healing power of families across the lifespan. 

EFFT is a very powerful mode of therapy - parents and caregivers are taught practical skills and techniques that can be used to support their loved one's recovery regardless of his or her age and/or motivation for change. Parents and caregivers are also supported to work through their own fears and emotional reactions that will no doubt arise throughout the challenging road toward recovery and wellness. 

Cost: $450.00 per person
*An official receipt in the full amount of $450 for psychological services will be provided by Dr. Dolhanty and Dr. Robinson for extended health benefit coverage with your provider, if applicable.

Click here to register

Visit the official EFFT web site for more information: https://emotionfocusedfamilytherapy.org/About_Us.php


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Eating Disorders Awareness Week Events
to Feb 7

Eating Disorders Awareness Week Events

  • 15213 Yonge Street, Suite 15 Aurora, ON, L4G 1L8 Canada (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Eating Disorders Awareness Week
Life in Balance                         Hopeful and Inspired
Riverwalk Wellness Centres Open House

Wednesday, February 2rd, 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Join us at 15213 Yonge St., Suite 15 (on the second floor, accessed by stairs by the front of the building) to enjoy our relaxing art gallery and living room space while browsing lovely artwork, and find out about the various programs we offer! You may leave your message of hope, inspiring positive affirmations over negative self-talk on our giant "sign of support" - an art installation shared on our art blog.

All Week Long
February 1st to 7th, tune into our blog to view messages of hope and support from our “Faces of Recovery” campaign members! Follow us on our blog at hopefulandinspired.wordpress.com

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"Walking Across Canada" Remembering Renata
2:00 p.m.14:00

"Walking Across Canada" Remembering Renata

Renata's Story

Please click here to read about Renata.

You may wish to to Riverwalk, or the Eating Disorder Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador.

If you would like to donate to Riverwalk,  Donate online or, send us your pledges!
If you would like to donate to EDFNL, visit their website for details.

Download the pledge form here. Tax receipts will be issued for donations over $10.

Twitter handle @EDOYR to join the walk! Use #WalkWithRiverwalk when posting your photos of support!

Register for the walk!

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100 in 1 Day
12:00 p.m.12:00

100 in 1 Day

  • 15213 Yonge St, Suite 15 Aurora, ON, L4G 1L8 Canada (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Riverwalk Wellness Centres Celebrates and Inspires!

Join us for an Art Gallery Open House

Participate in creating a giant message of hope inspiring positive affirmations over negative self-talk.

Write a message and your "sign of support" will be shared on our art blog.

We will host a coffee-house style open mic event in our gallery during our first-ever Open Mic (No Mic) Cafe!

Bring a song, a poem, a story, visual art or anything else that you'd like to share. Performers and non-performers are warmly welcome Coffee, tea, and refreshments will be served,however, this will be a no-food environment. Bring your family and friends and enjoy the afternoon as we celebrate the arts and community and their role in social, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness. 

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Songs to Recovery
2:00 p.m.14:00

Songs to Recovery

  • Aurora Cultural Centre, Brevik Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Scroll down to view the video "Music as Expression"
The Auroran Songs to Recovery article.

Celebrate spring and renewal with friends and family.
Enjoy a musical concert and an art show.
Performing bands are Ravyn Red with their original songs expressing themes of love,
overcoming challenges, and self-discovery; and Soul in Motion an 8-piece R&B, Soul,
and Funk band. New and returning solo artists will also perform!

Saturday, March 14th, 2015, 2:00-4:30 p.m. Doors open 1:30 p.m.
at the Aurora Cultural Centre
22 Church Street, Aurora, Second Floor in the Brevik Room

Cafe-style setting, open seating.
Tickets are $10 and can be purchased online below or at the door.

1 (ONE) Adult Songs to Recovery ticket
2 (TWO) Adult Songs to Recovery tickets
3 (THREE) Student/Senior Songs to Recovery tickets
4 (FOUR) Adult Songs to Recovery tickets
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Eating Disorders Awareness Week Events
to Feb 5

Eating Disorders Awareness Week Events

  • Google Calendar ICS

FREE: All are welcome - registration is required.
Email info@edoyr.com or register online.

Tuesday, February 3rd, 7:00-8:30 p.m. at the Stouffville Leisure Centre
2 Park Drive South, Whitchurch-Stouffville, ON L4A 4K1

Thursday, February 5th, 7:00-8:30 p.m. at the Richmond Hill Public Library
1 Atkinson Street, Room A, Richmond Hill L4C 0H5

- Screening the Riverwalk film "Self Destructing to Survive"
- Learn how to access support and how to create a "Circle of Care"
- Receive free resources
Join us in discussion regarding eating disorder support and recovery with members of the "Faces of Recovery" campaign who will share their strategies for maintaining wellness and open the floor for questions and conversation. Feel free to bring a support person or to be a support person for someone on the journey of recovery.

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Community Drug Strategy Meeting
7:00 p.m.19:00

Community Drug Strategy Meeting

  • Ray Twinney Recreation Complex (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Learn from Susan Shepherd of Toronto Drug STRATEGY

Listen to reps from 4 pillars of community drug strategy – Treatment, Prevention, Enforcement and Harm Reduction. Also hear from family members impacted and people with LIVED experience. Presentations by Youth and Spoken Word performances.

A TIME to GATHER, listen, learn, talk and then decide to ACT

Event organized by Youth in TRANSITION Support NETWORK along with other community agencies including:

JVS, Social Planning Council of York Region, John Howard SOCIETY of York Region, Youth Speak, Spoke 'n Heard, Riverwalk Eating Disorder and Wellness Centre, Bullyfree York, Caritas School of Life (and others)

Register on Eventbrite or email Tim Greenwood at communitydrugstrategy@gmail.com

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Major Annual Fundraising Event "Annie!"
8:00 p.m.20:00

Major Annual Fundraising Event "Annie!"

  • Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Friday, November 21st at 8:00 p.m.

Doors open at 7:30 p.m. for the silent auction and art show!

"Annie!" at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts, 10268 Yonge Street (Yonge and Major Mackenzie)

Join Steppin' Out Theatrical Productions in supporting an important cause!

Steppin' Out Theatrical Productions continues to generously support Riverwalk Wellness Centres as they have for seven consecutive years!.  This year, Steppin' Out will donate all ticket sales for the November 21st evening performance,  purchased directly through Riverwalk Wellness Centres, will benefit Riverwalk Wellness Centres support programs.

Please contact us at info@edoyr.com if you would like information about supporting our silent auction with the donation of gift certificates. Tax receipts are issued as per Canada Revenue Agency Guidelines. Please review the silent auction merchandise contract for more information. 

The Auroran: The Hard Knock Life benefits local eating disorders support group

View the Sponsorship Package.
View the Merchandise Contract.

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Riverside Conversation
1:30 p.m.13:30

Riverside Conversation

Hosted by “Faces of Recovery” Campaign members

Free Event – All are welcome!

Please join Eating Disorders of York Region’s Riverwalk Wellness Centres in conversation about recovery; bring your questions concerning emotional, social, mental, spiritual, physical health and wellness in the recovery process.

Registration required!

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I Love Culture: Art Gallery Open House and Film Screening
10:00 a.m.10:00

I Love Culture: Art Gallery Open House and Film Screening

As part of Culture Days, Eating Disorders of York Region's Riverwalk Wellness Centres is hosting an open house in our Art Gallery. During the open house we will be screening "Self-Destructing to Survive", a short film in which six individuals from different walks of life share their stories of struggle, revelation, and recovery regarding substance use, disordered eating, anxiety and depression, and other mental health concerns.

Art gallery Open House 10:00 am - 7:00 pm

Film screening 12:00 pm, 3:00 pm, 7:00pm

For more about Culture Days and to view our event online, visit the official website.

Culture Days is committed to reaching the goal of having all Canadians in every community declaring "I Love Culture" and making culture a daily habit.
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"Walking Across Canada" Remembering Renata: Art in the Park and River Walk
10:00 a.m.10:00

"Walking Across Canada" Remembering Renata: Art in the Park and River Walk

Help create the world's largest Zentangle®!  Rain or shine! Art in the Park

Slideshow for last year's walk: Free, fun for the whole family! 
The Auroran Article: Walk to Raise Awareness for Eating Disorders.

Read Renata's Story.

Download the Pledge Form here!

Download the Registration/Waiver Form here!

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1:30 p.m.13:30

Bye Bye Birdie

Major Annual Fundraising Event!

Saturday, November 23rd, the major event of our annual fund raising campaign is the matinee performance of "Bye Bye Birdie"! We are grateful to Steppin' Out Theatrical Productions for donating 200 tickets with all proceeds from the tickets purchased through Eating Disorders of York Region supporting our important cause

Open seating

Adult Tickets: $32
Senior/Student Tickets: $27

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