October 2017: Café Concert and Art Show
September 2017: 5th Annual Songs to Recovery
Check out the highlights on our blog!
2017 Café Concert Series
June 2017: Walk Where You Are
Individuals and families joined the "World Wide Walk" Encircling the World With A Circle Of Care in many communities across the globe!
September 2016: 4th Annual Songs to Recovery
View some of the photos on our blog!
July 2016: Walking Across Canada
"Walking Across Canada"; Remembering Renata 2016
From Coast to Coast: Raising Awareness and Support!
Members of the Riverwalk community participated and showed their support by walking in Schomberg, Niagara-on-the-Lake, and Sydney. Click here to view the photos from the walk!
September 2015: Walking Across Canada
On September 20th, 2015, people from across Canada participated in the Walk Across Canada to raise awareness for eating disorders. The walk is in commemoration of a young woman named Renata whose eating disorder claimed her life in 2005.
People gathered to walk in Newfoundland, Quebec, Ontario, New York, and British Columbia. Members of the Riverwalk community participated and showed their support by walking in King City, Orangeville, Stouffville, Toronto, New York, and Whistler BC.
Check out the photos from the Walk Across Canada! You might see some familiar faces!
June 2015: 100 in 1 Day
To celebrate 100 in 1 Day, Riverwalk Wellness Centres hosted a coffee-house style open-mic (no-mic) event in Aurora, where several individuals from the community came together to share their music and poetry. A giant board full of positive messages and affirmations was created. This board will be kept on display in Riverwalk’s art gallery and will be an ongoing initiative where individuals can contribute positive messages at any time as they feel inspired.
Read the rest of the blog post about 100 in 1 day at Riverwalk.
March 2015: 3rd Annual Songs to Recovery
Enjoy the slideshow here!
January 2015: Labyrinth Walk
Stay tuned for the next Labyrinth Walk. Email info@edoyr.com if you are interested in participating.
August 2014: Walking Across Canada "Remembering Renata" Walk
Thank you to all who, coast to coast, walked in solidarity to raise awareness for the Remembering Renata “Walk Across Canada”.
June 2014: 100in1 Day
Click the link to view the short video, "How do you show your true colours?" our 100-in-1 day urban intervention!
March 2014: 2nd Annual Songs to Recovery
October 2013: Riverwalk Thanksgiving Concert
Wonderful music, the warmth of family and friends, candlelight and Thanksgiving...
We deeply appreciate the opportunity to share all of this at the Justin Hines Thanksgiving concert benefiting our Riverwalk Wellness Centres.
Thank you, Justin!
Riverwalk Thanksgiving Concert
Read the Auroran article "Musicians hope to take "vehicle" international!
SNAP'd Thanksgiving Concert
September 2013: I Love Culture Days! Zentangle Workshop
Thanks to Susan Stortini, Certified Zentangle® Teacher for a relaxing workshop for "I Love Culture Days" in our Aurora living room.
Visit our Expressive and Therapetic Arts page for details about the next workshop!
August 2013: "Walking Across Canada" Remembering Renata
Remembering Renata "Walking Across Canada" a Great Success from Coast to Coast
Visit our Facebook page for the photos from the walk here!
The "walk across Canada" was led by members of the "Faces of Recovery" campaign following a ribbon cutting ceremony and a speech to thank everyone who contributed.
A special thank you to the Skerratt/McGaffey family for planning and organizing the event!
A big thank you to the "Faces of Recovery" team for promoting the walk and for leading the way.
Also, thank you to volunteers and staff especially, Nisha, our fantastic photographer and Natalia for her multi-talented multi-tasking!
Thank you to Nyanna for selecting just the right songs to uplift and inspire our hearts, souls and spirits with her singing and encourage us to "Show Our True Colours".
May 2013: 1st Faces of Recovery "Fireside Conversations"
From left to right: Liora, Wendy, Galit, and Ola.
Thank you to our panel members for making the night a great success!
View more pictures from the event here!
February 2013: First Annual "Songs to Recovery"
A heart warming afternoon for the whole family!
View the evenings line-up of musicians, the titles of their original songs and their comments.
View the 3-minute Rogers TV "Songs to Recovery" preview here.
Thanks to York Region, Regional Writers for a Great Event - The First Annual "Songs to Recovery"!
On Saturday, February 23rd, families and friends enjoyed an afternoon filled with music and warmth at Orleans Restaurant in Newmarket!
Thank you for your support!
April 2013: Tree Planting
A special thank you to the Neighbourhood Network for providing the opportunity to participate in the Tree
Planting Day on Saturday, April 27th! We would also like to thank our volunteers for coming out on a sunny day!
"Over the past five years, this program has succeeded in planting over 10,000 trees and shrubs in our communities!" - the Auroran