Emotion-Focused Family Therapy:
Supporting Your Loved One Across The Lifespan Including Support For Mental Health
With Dr. Joanne Dolhanty PhD, C. Psych
and Dr. Adèle Lafrance Robinson PhD, C. Psych
TWO DAY WORKSHOP: April 21st and 22nd, 2016
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Location: 901 Rutherford Road (at the Christian Community Church), Vaughan (West of Bathurst Street)
Register online: www.edoyr.com/emotion-coaching
Clinician spaces are limited – register in advance to avoid disappointment
Emotion-Focused Family Therapy (EFFT): a new and innovative treatment model for the caregivers of individuals struggling with:
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Eating disorders
• Substance use, etc.
Different from many of the mainstream treatment models, EFFT is rooted in the deep belief in the healing power of families across the lifespan.
EFFT is a very powerful mode of therapy - parents and caregivers are taught practical skills and techniques that can be used to support their loved one's recovery regardless of his or her age and/or motivation for change. Parents and caregivers are also supported to work through their own fears and emotional reactions that will no doubt arise throughout the challenging road toward recovery and wellness.
Cost: $450.00 per person
*An official receipt in the full amount of $450 for psychological services will be provided by Dr. Dolhanty and Dr. Robinson for extended health benefit coverage with your provider, if applicable.
Visit the official EFFT web site for more information: https://emotionfocusedfamilytherapy.org/About_Us.php