McMaster University Research Project

Engineering students from McMaster University contacted us with regards to a research project through which they wish to create an application for parents related to support for eating disorders.  Please see the attachments for more information. I met through conference call with two of the students  and, subsequently, one of the students attended the two day Emotion Focused Family Therapy (EFFT) training we hosted, in May.  Originally, they were going to research diabetes but much is already being done in this area and so their professor suggested eating disorders.  Please see further details, below.


The telephone interviews will be approximately 45 minutes. Interviews may be during the week day or weekends, if this is better suited to individual's schedules.

Please contact Abdul Choudhry by phone  905-599-8599 or by email to arrange a day and time , The interview will need to be arranged before hand so that a team member can prepare, additionally, University research ethic protocol requires a signed consent form.

Interviews will take place the week of May 25th as well as over the coming two to three weeks.

If there are a sufficient amount of interviews and information gathered, they will start working on designing a prototype and asking the parents and individuals for their feedback.

Letter of Information

Ethics Clearance

Recruitment Poster