““Thank you for the opportunity to participate in your Woodcarving classes with Greg. The course was a great chance to see if carving wood was something I would like to pursue as I approach a period in my life where I will have more time on my hands.
Greg has a very relaxed teaching style and was knowledgeable about wood carving and other artsy tips for completing my project.
The main thing I took from the course was that I can slow down and actually carve something and create something out of nothing. Many times I would think during the course that a certain power tool would speed up this process but realize that that would defeat the whole purpose of just enjoying what I am doing at whatever speed it takes.”
— Wood Relief Carving Participant
“Thanks soooo much for all of your efforts and help then, and over the weekend. It was a very special experience for me and I deeply appreciate these opportunities to participate. You all make me feel so welcome, my heart is rekindled with endorphins I thought I no longer had!”
— Art program participant
“I just wanted to thank you for holding such helpful groups. I FINALLY disclosed to my mom about my eating disorder just recently...so it was so helpful to have her hear about it and get a little better perspective on what an eating disorder is because she had NO idea at all and it was hard enough for me to have to tell her...but even harder for me have to explain it. Flora as always is fantastic and my mom really enjoyed hearing and learning more about it from someone as knowledgeable as Flora. So thanks!”
— “Stages of Recovery” workshop participant
“I never thought I would defeat the monster inside. A few more pounds and I would have died. It was hard to get over the fear. But I’m better because my loved ones brought me here. EDOYR helped me you see. And I’ve made friends here who are a lot like me. There is one thing that would help me more. Assessments and a therapist with an open door. Now I smile again and for good reason. Because you saved me EDOYR. ”
— Samara
“The facilitator knows when and how to effectively challenge us. She also allows us the freedom to give feedback and support to each other. She picks up on nuances and can sense when we have something to express. I have discovered so much about myself and my beliefs. I really hope that you will be able to run another group of this type… We were all discussing at the end of group, how we value this session and are anxious for another to follow.”
— Group participant
“Since finding EDOYR about 6 months ago, I have attended two different support groups, one on Stages of Change and another on Healing Emotional Eating and decided to pursue one-on-one therapy. As a person struggling with Eating Disorders for well over 25 years, with my most recent stretch with Bulimia lasting over 2 years, I have benefited greatly from the many resources available through EDOYR.
The groups themselves were a wonderful way for me to get out of my skin and meet others facing similar issues. It was very helpful to meet like-minded people and to know I was not alone and indeed how many people of all ages and walks of life are affected with eating issues and disorders. The groups were facilitated by qualified professionals and were a great source of support while learning new techniques and ways of finding and dealing with the root cause of our eating disorders.
One particular approach/technique resonated with me and I decided to go for individual therapy. I am quite happy to say I’m on the road to recovery and it’s been over 3 months now since I have ‘disappeared’ into a cycle of binging and purging!
I plan to continue with my individual therapy and also to utilize the many resources available through EDOYR including attending some of the many group therapy sessions offered. I am particularly looking forward to a peer-facilitated group where, with qualified assistance, peers will provide each other with meal support – something that can be most challenging to those with eating disorders.
Eating Disorders affect so many people yet it is most difficult to admit as there is such a huge stigma that goes along with it. Thank you EDOYR for being available to me and others with all sorts of resources to help us get to the root cause of our eating issues!”